Online Community Meeting - March 3, 2021 5-6 pm

Community Meeting

The City is planning for a larger downtown recreation center at Lincoln Square Park in Oakland Chinatown. Join our virtual meeting to learn about the City's latest plans and share your ideas!
The grassroots effort to build a new state-of-the-art recreation center at Lincoln Square Park is continuing to gain momentum and we invite you to join us at our next community meeting. As part of our ongoing efforts to keep the park community updated and gather feedback, we invite you to participate in a community meeting to share your ideas.

At this meeting we will:
- Update you as to what has been, or not been, happening at the park during Covid
- Share our latest progress towards building a bigger and better recreation center
- Receive feedback on the desired programming in the new and expanded spaces.

Wednesday, March 3, 5-6 pm - Online Zoom Meeting


An Open Letter to Our Beloved Park


Lincoln Square Park featured in Oakland Chinatown Panel