Public Hearing: Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee

September 14th, 4:30pm via Zoom

Get the latest updates on our new Recreation and Community Resiliency Center in Oakland Chinatown

The City of Oakland shared information on the new Lincoln Square Park Center at the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 4:30 pm. The project is located at the historic Lincoln Square Park in Oakland Chinatown and will entail removing the 7,476 square-foot recreation center and construct a new, 35-foot tall, 22,221 square-foot recreation center. The project also includes the removal and construction of a new basketball court, landscaping, and outdoor furniture. 

This meeting was be held over Zoom and the a recording with the presentation and passionate public comments can be viewed starting at 2 hours and 21 minutes in.

Friends of Lincoln Square Park attended to voice our support for this City of Oakland project and many others spoke as well.

Your public comments and questions, if any, should be directed to Mike Rivera, project planner, at (510) 238-6417 or or by mail to Bureau of Planning, 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2nd Floor, Oakland, California 94612-2031 at or prior to the public hearing to be held on September 14, 2022

Friends of Lincoln Square Park is a volunteer-based community group supporting the City’s efforts to build a larger recreation and community resiliency center to better meet the needs of the community. We invite the public to learn more and get involved in this once-in-a-generation campaign!


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