Celebrating community, together.
“This park has served families and strengthened our community resiliency for generations and for the future. We are delighted to see the investment and recognition of our beloved park and recreation center.”
On Thursday, November 2, 2023, the State of California and the City of Oakland announced that $9.25m was being invested in the Lincoln Community Resilience and Recreation Center. Advocating for a new recreation center and supporting the City of Oakland to make this vision a reality has been a community-driven effort that has involved countless organizations, supporters, and individual community members, for many years.
The event was a beautiful opportunity to gather key stakeholders that have supported our campaign for many years. Dozens of local leaders, community partners, neighborhood volunteers and residents showed up on very short notice to participate in the historic event and to witness the exciting announcement in person.
In addition to public officials, City staff, and the design team, attendees included representatives from Family Bridges, Wa Sung Community Service Club, Oakland Asian Cultural Center, Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council, Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, AYPAL, Civic Design Studios, East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation, East Bay Asian Youth Center, and the Toishan Benevolent Association.
We were also thrilled to celebrate with APEN, and their staff and members. who have spoken up and attended public meetings to share their stories with decision makers since 2016, and continue to push for resilience investments in communities like ours across the state.
The gathering of so many familiar faces brought joy and renewed hope for the community which has struggled with the pandemic, public safety and economic challenges in recent years. We are so grateful to have such strong support from the community, the City, the State, and the Federal government.
We are all friends of Lincoln Square Park.